【英语之角】 The Changing Workplace
There are many reasons why teamwork is the name of the game for organizations today. One of these is the change that has occurred in the workforce in recent years. Not too long ago, most workers had very limited education and therefore very limited knowledge of their world and of how things worked. Most were willing to master a single job and leave decisions to those who knew more about such things: their boss.
Today, the people in our workforce have more education and far more familiarity with the world around them. Radio, TV, movies and increased literacy have made everyone aware of different perspectives and ways of doing things. As a result, people have their own ideas about work, and they expect more opportunities to participate in the decisions that affect it. Teams have become one way people today can make their best contribution and participate in decisions in the workplace.
We often think that a good team should be made up of similar types of people. Then, we may feel, they can work well together. But when we try to operate this way, we discover that it is almost impossible to find such similar people for any team. In our work in the real world, to do what needs to be done, teams have to be made up of very different types of people.
What we are discovering is that diversity, not similarity, may be a key to effective teams. We are likely to be more motivated, more creative and ready to try new things, when we are with people quite different from ourselves. Many observers have seen American creativity coming partly from its mixture of so many nationalities and cultures. Our challenge is to get our diversity working together creatively, not have everyone alike at the start.
Gordon Harper; 美国ICA资深建导师